Family Therapy

Family therapy focuses on family relationships. Sessions can include the entire family or just some members.

Family therapy addresses issues within family relationships. It can be helpful when relationships are strained or conflicts arise within the family. This often relates to stressful life situations. Family therapy can be beneficial when you seek better communication, feel overwhelmed by accumulating problems, or when conflicts have been ongoing for a long time.

Family Therapy

All therapists at Sointu are experienced and Valvira-approved psychotherapists or psychologists with experience working with families. They will help you understand each other better and find ways to improve communication and co-existence. When choosing a therapist, it is important to find someone all participants feel comfortable talking to. The therapy can include the entire family, some members, or even just one individual.

Our therapists

Varaa aikasi

Täältä pääset varaamaan ajan valitsemallesi terapeutille etänä tai Helsingissä. Voit hakea haluamaasi palvelua, esimerkiksi lyhytterapia tai kertakäynti ja näet alla tätä palvelua tarjoavat terapeutit sekä heidän vapaat aikansa.

Ajan varaaminen on helppoa ja nopeaa. Huomaathan, että osalle terapeuteistamme voi varata aikaa ainoastaan sähköpostilla tai puhelimitse (tiedot löytyvät terapeutin omalta sivulta).