Therapy for Adolescents
Looking for therapy for an adolescent in Helsinki? At Sointu, we have several therapists specializing in working with young people.
Adolescent therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy designed for teenagers and young adults. Its goal is to support young people’s psychological development, help them navigate life’s challenges, and alleviate various mental health symptoms and issues. This type of therapy takes into account the unique developmental stage of adolescence and the specific needs that come with it.

Therapy for Adolescents
Therapy sessions typically take place one-on-one between the therapist and the adolescent, but parents or other family members may be involved when necessary. The aim of adolescent therapy is to help young people discover their own strengths and coping strategies, allowing them to lead balanced and fulfilling lives.
Our therapists
Varaa aikasi
Täältä pääset varaamaan ajan valitsemallesi terapeutille etänä tai Helsingissä. Voit hakea haluamaasi palvelua, esimerkiksi lyhytterapia tai kertakäynti ja näet alla tätä palvelua tarjoavat terapeutit sekä heidän vapaat aikansa.
Ajan varaaminen on helppoa ja nopeaa. Huomaathan, että osalle terapeuteistamme voi varata aikaa ainoastaan sähköpostilla tai puhelimitse (tiedot löytyvät terapeutin omalta sivulta).